Our tutors are all high school girls who have a burning passion for math and a never-ending interest to spread that same passion to younger students! Our tutors are all in top math classes in Virginia high schools and are very flexible regarding times and material! Our goal is to fit each tutoring session to exactly what the student needs, condensing all the available resources and information from the internet into a personalized curriculum that is fun and engaging for the student. We tutor through Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet!
During the 2020 summer, we tutored students from various US states and around the world, for over 100 sessions and 80 hours! We loved seeing students ask us to do puzzles with them and give them homework. Imagine that!
Unfortunately, tutoring for year year has ended. Contact us for more information if you would like to be on our list for next summer!
All of our services are free, so any amount that you are able to donate can help us go a long way and continue offering our services to students, such as free tutoring, access to resources, and community events!